Wednesday, December 14, 2011

43. Exhibition Panel

It's done!!! It's finally done!!! so I just had my Degree graduation show and finished my graduation project just few hours before the exhibition started. I'll upload the animation video soon and post it here, but for now I'd like to post a picture of our exhibition booth. I forgot to take a pictures of the printed panel (but I think my team mate did), so for now here's the panel we created.

I just had my final presentation today too. I was super nervous, so did my teammate, but then we had done our best and we enjoyed most of the progress (even though I had to admit, days of sleepless night did make me a bit grumpy. But I love it! I'm super satisfied with the result too (even though I know there is a huge room for improvement, but with this limited time, I know we had done our best ;)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

42. UFO and the city

"and so the aliens land on the earth..."

I so love the reflection on the UFO.
I textured the UFO with a totally different style before but my lecturer told me it's nicer to keep it simple, so I keep it clean and shiny.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

41. Boo

Here's the update from the character I posted last time.
He's one of the character from my final animation project.

I realized I never said anything about my final project story. Well, it's, in short, about:
"two aliens (Boo and Pee) who are on mission to assemble a weapon to attack earth."
No spoiler for the ending though ;p

Meet Boo the Alien.

Boo and some of his Facial rig controllers.

Boo and the mad rigs controllers and bones.
I know those rigs and its controllers may cause you headache. haha.
I followed PolyFace tutorials for the rig. Awesome tutorials!

Base mesh is done in maya before I then import it into Zbrush to sculpt and color.
Texture is done in both Zbrush and Photoshop.

Friday, July 29, 2011

40. Aliens

Some alien sketches I did for school graduation project (Degree graduation).
I'm going to create a short animation for this project, and it's in 3d. So here's one of the main characters. It was an individual project at first but then a friend asked to join in and we do my story together. It was really fun.

and below is how he looks in zbrush.
I did some changes on his head and I'm still going to re-topo this model.

I'll post more sketches and paintings in the future. May be some screenshots of the 3d props too~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

39. Weapons

First time designing weapons. I enjoyed it very much though~

Friday, June 17, 2011

38. Doctor's living room

Another school project. This time we are asked to do concept design for our friend's story (ya, there's a class where we have to write story and script for our graduation project). I get a story about a bio-mecha world and I was asked to design the living room of a scientist.

I love the cyan color. Somehow it reminds me of TRON Legacy, but of course, this is nothing close to that. Anyway, this is still WIP, so I'll update this post later.

Monday, May 23, 2011

37. Diploma Graduation Panel

I was in charge of designing the Graduation Panel of Interactive Media design Diploma Batch for my school's graduation exhibition last year. Me and some of my classmates are divided into the graphic design group, so we worked together on the concept and stuff. This was my last project as diploma student before graduating. There are 2 sides of panel that we need to do. This is the side that I did.
So we had this idea of designing some characters for each of my classmates. I did the character design and the panel design. Some friends also involve in the design idea. Eunice helped me to vector the characters and Stephen helps me to do the other side of the panel, while Lievena did the booklet. It was fun to work on this project.

Monday, May 16, 2011

36. Nodame Title animation

-School project-
We are suppose to re-create an opening title for any movie we choose.
For mine, I did an opening of Nodame Cantabile, a japanese movie that happened to be up on the cinema at that time. Of course, it's one of my fav movie ever!

Software used:
Adobe After Effect - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator

I really had lots of fun doing this!~ =)
lots of experimenting on the videos and coloring method.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

34. Gold Trojan Horse

New design of a trojan horse.
It's huge. much bigger than those you see in movies, and I'm pretty sure no body can move it. It's made of gold? I wonder where the greek get the gold. haha

It's hair is made of silk, and the silk form a harp that'll play the most beautiful music you'll ever hear. Only a greek can play it though, and only greece music will be played.

But then if it's that huge, how will they play the musical instrument? I guess only the greek Gods can play it after all.

33. Hell

Saturday, April 30, 2011

32. Another island

another island that doesn't look like an island D:
but it's supposed to be surrealist, so yeah~
I'll edit it again later.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

30. Ithaca

this is an assignment from my "art-direction" class.
we are supposed to do some concept art, and for me, I was asked to do some concept art for a movie called The Odyssey. Really challenging, since I have never do environment painting before. Hope I can finish this in time. There are 4 more paintings that need to be done.

my coloring is kinda sucks a lot D:
it looks like an anime scene instead. Guess I should experiment more in texture and coloring.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

29. Self-Portrait

the title say it all. this's a self portrait (or self-doodle?) of me in my fav jacket. I can hardly be seen without my hoody jacket these days~ I so love hoody jacket. I have two of this long sleeves hoody jacket, a gray and a black one. Then there's a yellow no-sleeves hoody jacket as well~

Thursday, March 3, 2011

28. Water Melonster

a water melon_eater monster, as requested from Laura, my schoolmate.
Done in Photoshop for around 90minutes.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

27. Happy Chinese New Year 2562!!

It's the Bunny Year~ so yeah, Welcome Bunny!! =D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

26. The Lady's Smile

One of my latest night doodle.